السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
اليوم درسنا هو كيفية تغير الايكونة
دعوني لا اطيل عليكم لنبدا
اولا نضط على البرنامج واي شيئ تريد تغير ايكونته بالماوس اليمين
properties بعد ذلك نضغط على
كما مبين في الصورة
change ico بعدها نضغط على
browse بعدها نضغط على
نختار الايكونة التي نريدها
ico لكن يجب انت تكون لاحقتها
هنالك عديد من مواق لتنزيل ايكونات
لكن افضلها هو
اتمنى ان يكون الدرس قد نال اعجابكم
يمكنكم الأعجاب بصفحتنا على الفيس بوك
ليصلك كل جديد
كان معكم
هناك 3 تعليقات:
Strange "water hack" burns 2lbs overnight
Over 160,000 women and men are trying a simple and SECRET "liquids hack" to lose 1-2 lbs each and every night as they sleep.
It is proven and it works on everybody.
Here are the easy steps for this hack:
1) Grab a glass and fill it with water half the way
2) Now learn this weight loss hack
and be 1-2 lbs lighter as soon as tomorrow!
If you're attempting to lose pounds then you certainly need to jump on this totally brand new custom keto plan.
To design this service, licensed nutritionists, personal trainers, and cooks have joined together to develop keto meal plans that are efficient, painless, price-efficient, and delicious.
Since their launch in early 2019, hundreds of individuals have already transformed their figure and well-being with the benefits a great keto plan can give.
Speaking of benefits: in this link, you'll discover eight scientifically-tested ones provided by the keto plan.
As claimed by Stanford Medical, It's indeed the one and ONLY reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh 42 pounds lighter than us.
(And really, it is not about genetics or some secret-exercise and absolutely EVERYTHING related to "how" they eat.)
BTW, What I said is "HOW", not "WHAT"...
CLICK on this link to discover if this little questionnaire can help you decipher your real weight loss potential
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